Testimonials: What they say about Christopher Story’s publications

NOTE: In testimonials added on 16th-18th January 2007 below, correspondents shower kind but wholly undeserved praise upon the Editor, in the continuing context of our primary coverage of the international financial corruption crisis against which Leo Emil Wanta is engaged.

However Christopher Story would like to point out that the true hero is Ambassador Leo Wanta,
who was 'taken out' by these criminals on 7th July 1993 and sentenced to an intended 22 years' incarceration and house arrest for non-payment of a falsified tax demand issued by the White House's co-conspiratorial Wisconsin Department of Revenue.

The falsely demanded State tax has in fact been paid three times already, and is STILL being corruptly demanded. One of the necessary tasks we shall be addressing as soon as time permits, therefore, is the global exposure of the rampant corruption of the Wisconsin Tax Gestapo (displayed in detail in the 24-page Supplement published with International Currency Review, Volume 31, 3/4).

A number of attempts were made to murder the Ambassador, starting with the poisoned cheese in the Swiss dungeon, and followed by assaults in the various jails he was sent to in the US GULAG, plus no less than four attempts to have him certified insane. Throughout this ordeal, Leo Wanta displayed courage and fortitude, as well as a simple faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, which has no parallel in the personal experience of the Editor, and will astonish everyone when the full story is told. Therefore, when reading the Leo Wanta-related testimonials below, please transfer the kind remarks made about the Editor, to Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta, the greatest and most brilliantly distinguished American patriot of our time. A friend tells us that she receives, every New Year, from a friend of hers, a set of predictions for the year ahead. One of the predictions for 2007 was that the name Leo Emil Wanta would be on the lips of every American by the end of the year.

None of this would have been possible without Leo's fortitude, bravery courage, determination, and leadership. The big progress that is now being made against these criminals is due to Leo's strength and faith. Nothing could have been achieved had it not been for his faith throughout those dark years when he was languishing, and all appeals for mercy and against the false witness perpetrated by the US authorities were systematically thwarted and brutally disregarded. These crimes were committed so that the criminals could play with Leo Wanta's entrusted funds. CS.

"Again, I would like to express my gratitude as a US citizen that this massive treason is being made "public"... reading the latest update is like reading the next chapter in a fantastic book. I just cannot "put it down". – J.B, Rockville, MD, 02 February 2007.

"You do a wonderful job, Mr Story. This shoudl send shock waves through the places where it counts the most. I, and I'm sure thousands of others, appreciate the powerful reporting you are doing on the Wanta Settlement. Thank you for what you are doing for Mr Wanta and all of us".
– J & B McC., Canada, 02 February 2007.

"Thank you for publishing the support messages from your readers. I would like to be added to your list of well wishers and extend my THANK YOU for what you have done as a public service for us Americans. Very best regards". – Nolan K. A., 18 January 2007, LA, USA.

"I have been following the Wanta funds and the updates since I first heard about it the 1st of this year. I am passing the word out which I get from you. Keep up the good work exposing these MEGA-crooks. Thanks". – Vernie E. Hole, US truck driver/Rancher, 18 January 2007, West Chester, IA, USA.

"Dear Mr Story: You cannot imagine just how much your expose of the Wanta affair has piqued my interest and that of all my friends. It gladdens our hearts to see a very brave soul standing up to the scum. Please keep on skimming. Yours sincerely, Roman Mudryk" – 17 January 2007, St Leonard, Montreal, PQ, Canada.

"I am fascinated with this story and happy to have found your site. I sincerely hope all of this can come to the full light of day, and that the criminal elements of the intelligence community will get punished for their horrendous crimes against all of us. For you, Mr Wanta, Mr Cottrell and the many others involved fighting for this justice, please be careful and take care of yourselves. These criminals would likely do all they can to prevent exposure. The glaring lies put forth by our leaders are so huge, that surely the people of America must wake up to see the scandals, thievery, corruption, treason, war profiteering, and cover ups, and put a stop to this madness. Please continue exposing these criminals for their true colors". – Tom C., 17 January, USA.

"I would like to commend you for bringing all of this (the Wanta story) to the attention of the people. Like another writer said, I read this first, and the last thing every day. I send this info to everyone I can think of, and I pray for the day that this all becomes public knowledge. Keep up the great work. We all owe you a large debt of gratitude. Best regards, J. B." – 17 January 2007, MD, USA.

"My eternal gratitude to you all!" – E. A. L., 17 January 2007, USA.

"I read your recent posting and have been consuming your International Currency Review [Volume 31, 3/4] Your work is truly remarkable". – Don Nicoloff. 16 January 2007, USA.

"I need to say BLESS YOU. Exposing the eye of the Octopus is what you are doing. Your work is so important to all the world. A big thank you!" – Ethel, 15 January 2007, USA.

"You are to be applauded for your seamless righteousness in the face of clamorous Internet attacks against you. Numerous so-called 'patriotic' organizations exist today in the United States and throughout the world. Only a few of these organizations have been willing to report your story... The paid-for 'mainstream' media is useless. Individuals throughout the world credit your intelligence... which you have so kindly put where all can see".
– Claudia Treacey, 14 January 2007, Indianapolis, USA

"Our family (along with 4 other good and honest families) is one of the "broken hearted" you mention in your latest post. The CIA escrow attorney who scammed our family non-profit Christian foundation of a $1 million USD "investment" ($5 million if our fellow non-profit investors are included) ran off to Ireland so he could not be extradited. Our investment agent was poisoned to death the day before. I Just thought you'd like to know that we WILL have justice against these CIA operative thieves and how much we appreciate your honest and truthful reporting. Thank you" Name and address withheld, 12 January 2007, Illinois, USA.

"I have been following your continuing saga of the White House/Wanta scandal. I wanted to email you and salute, you, sir, for your unbridled courage and TRUE patriotism in exposing this unfolding fiasco... I have been following your evolving story closely. I know of a number of others who are doing the same. The arrogance and criminality of this Administration must continue to be exposed until real change occurs. On behalf of many fed-up individuals such as myself, I'd like to thank you for your efforts. Keep up the great work!!" – John McGuire, O'Brien, FL, USA.

"Thank you for getting back to us. When we first read the story on the Burlington Free Press, we were so incredulous that we wondered whether someone had made the story up and accredited it to you!! It disgusts us that there has been NOTHING on this in the 'mainstream' media here in New Zealand, or from the sounds of it pretty much anywhere except your publication and those really free press sites... It is a huge story that has obviously been heavily suppressed". [However the cover-up cannot succeed]. – Ron Lopert, 12 January 2007, Tauranga, New Zealand.

"I am patiently awaiting more news about Paulson and the Wanta money. Thanks for keeping us informed". – Mike Demny, 11 January 2007, USA.

"I really appreciate that at least one reputable journalistic publication has the courage to cover the massive corruption by the current US Administration". – Erik Bass, Ohio State University, USA.

"Mr Story: I just want to advise you that on www.patkiley.com the 010307 broadcast is a verbatim reading of your posting (PAULSON ARRESTED, SENTENCED IN EUROPE RE THEFT OF WANTA'S $4.5 TRILLION) but with all references to World Reports, International Currency Review or yourself omitted. The report is dramatically and theatrically presented as their own knowledge and research". – Rasmus F. Hansen, 10 January 2007, Denmark.

"Please send us information as it happens on your wbesite. We are working in an international finance area and your information is very helpful for us. We appreciated your postings".
– Rouelement Etablissement, Triesen, Liechtenstein.

"Please relay this message to Mr Wanta. Full force ahead. Do not slow down, do not give up, do not change your intentions in any manner. We who know about what has happened in the past and now what is happening in the present desperately want this mess cleaned up from top to bottom. We that are on the outside just wish we could help you. We want to see those people penniless, homeless, depressed, and yes, put their dumb backsides in jail for the rest of time. We hope you start at the top and go to the bottom of these rotten people. Your hidden supporters are here".
– R. Weaver, 09 January 2007, USA.

"Thank you for all your insightful updates, Chris!" – Eddy, 09 January 2007, USA.

"Great stuff!!!! Keep it coming. Hang in there, now you are on the map. Thank you for your citizenship". – Joseph Decuzzi, 08 January 2007, USA.

"Hi Chris! The information that you sent me was of such importance that I decided to make your information available as a complete update. As always, this information will be distributed far and wide! Thank you once more for having the trust in me to make the info available. Interesting to watch the yield curve, which tells me something is coming soon!! Integrity does matter!!! Best regards". – Ed Garay, USA.

"I have been following the Leo Wanta happenings with great interest".
– Bryant Blake, 08 January 2007, Baltimore, MD, USA.

"I have been following your diary and sequence of events with great interest... You have 37 years of doing your job and I respect that. Don't allow the negative people to grind you down. There are a lot of good people, especially in the United States, with broken hearts. We will continue to read. We will continue to watch. Your friend, Stefan Grieb". – Staten Island, NY, 08 January 2007.

"I have read your published reports for some months and, although sickened by the clear circumvention of law perpetrated by Government officials, am indebted to you for maintaining your scrutiny of financial shenanigans perpetrated by those who would do us grave economic harm. Thank you for making these facts available to the public... There is no doubt that much of what transpires is a callous, overreaching attempt by a grasping international power elite to destroy the economic strength of this country in order to facilitate the emergence of the North American Union and a new fiat-based currency. May you be blessed this day and always for your commitment to truth, justice, right action, and the rule of law. Blessings and peace to you".
– Gillian Grannum, Ph D., Liberty, NC, USA.

"Bravo, Mr Story! Keep up the wonderful job you have done and continue to do in exposing the rot and corruption of those whom the American people elected to do the people's business. They have betrayed our faith, eviscerated our Constitution and have created this sham against the American people and have lost credibility with countries around the world that will be very hard-pressed to believe in our leadership again. The detractors may have their current moment, but we the people will have the final say. Sincerely". – Richard Brandeis, Titan Group Limited, 07 January 2007, USA.

"We think your team are doing a great job!! It takes courage but what you are doing is for humanity, which is priceless. May God bless you all. Do not fear: when you seek the truth, there will be guidance, and help from above". – Ahmad Abdullah, 07 January 2007, Think Tank, Malaysia.

"This site is a discovery for me. I see things which I never imagined before. Really appreciate your contribution to the world". – Chan Meng Chai, 07 January 2007, Zimbabwe.

"The breaking news about Mr "Conflict-of-Interest" Paulson is the best news I've ever heard. Keep up the awesome work. I'm looking forward to your updates. Thank you!"
– Robert Buote, 06 January 2007m Epsom, NH, USA.

"Hi, Christopher. Have read your Archives and am intrigued by the whole Wanta affair, though not surprised at the way the bad actors in the United States are behaving. Keep up the good work".
– Paul Wilkie, 06 January 2007, USA.

"Keep up the great work, please". – Ron Stratton, 06 January 2007, Canton, OH, USA.

"It is very hard to believe that people find it so difficult to read the handwriting on the wall. My hat is off to the brave people willing to stand up and speak the truth".
– Linda Fogh, 05 January 2007, Issaquah, WA, USA.

"It is a great thing that happened to me to find your website. I am very proud to see the truth coming from somewhere other than my own eyes. There are a lot of people here in the United States that know the things you have been talking about in your articles. We the people of the United States are waiting for the time when the truth and justice will come to the surface so that the people can do what is needed to bring this country back to freedom. In time we will have justice. We are prepared to do these things. We have been waiting for these very truths".
– Wayne Blakely, 05 January 2007, Kansas City, MS, USA.

"I just wanted to express my appreciation for the work you are doing on the Wanta situation. Thank you for having the courage to do the right thing. We are praying for Leo Wanta's protection and that you will have ALL the truth revealed to you so that you can print it. Blessings to you and yours".
– Betty McCormick, 05 January 2007, USA.

"Keep up the good work, Christopher! My parents in VA speak very highly of you and I am now personally following your story as a result with great interest".
– Name and address withheld, 05 January 2007, USA.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I'm so excited. I will be writing more on this topic and the bravery of all involved". – Gina de Miranda, Texas, USA.

"I'm extremely interested in your reporting of the story about Henry M. Paulson being arrested in Germany, and I come home from work every day eagerly anticipating an update on the current situation. However today, January 3rd, NO UPDATE! Help me out here. I won't be able to sleep: I need my update! Keep up the good work. Thanks. I'll be watching!" – Tom Chambers, 04 January 2007, Santa Monica, CA.

"Keep up the hard work of letting people know what the occupying criminal forces are up to".
– Randall Foreman, 04 January 2007, USA.

"I just want to let you guys know there are people aware about what is happening in our country.
I have posted links to your articles... I will be following your reporting and updating as you update. This is HUGE and not a peep out of our media here in the United States" [That's because they are bribed and partially funded by 'funny money': CS]. – Troy Schneider, 04 January 2007, USA.

"People like you terrify these types and all they know how to do is to criticize. It takes brains to create: any idiot can criticize. Don't you find it ironic that the same people who condemn the monopoly press also want confirmation from the monopoly press about your writings? You have put a tremendous amount of time into these Wanta articles, so it's not your job to prove you're right: it's the job of your detractors to prove you're wrong. I'm sure there's a lot of professional jealousy involved, so stand your ground. People who subscribe to your publications expect your type of reporting, the hardcore behind-the-scenes type of reporting: otherwise you would not have subscribers". R.L.D., 04 January 2007, USA.

"I am very impressed with your site, and have been learning so much from your excellent reporting... The US Government is such a master of disinformation and obfuscation".
– Carol Delhagen, 03 January 2007, USA

"I have been following your reporting on the Wanta saga the entire time. I researched the source and went all the way back to 1973. I concluded Mr Story is a man of honor and integrity... I trust Mr Story and would like to point out that my fellow Americans have been so deceived with 9/11 and the decades of corrupt leadership that cognitive dissonance is the only explanation I can give for their ignorance. PLEASE continue to help us Americans expose these criminals for what they are. Do not be swayed by my ignorant fellow citizens. I DO SUPPORT you Christopher! Thank you Sir, you are the best!" [Comment: No, that accolade is reserved exclusively for the greatest God-fearing American hero of our time, a man who has suffered without a cause at the hands of these criminals, who are now scared stiff and on the run. That accolade cannot be shared by anyone else! CS]. – Joe Shadwick, 03 January 2007, Texas, USA.

"Just to let you know, I have been spreading [your work] all over the place. I want to thank you for your hard work... I was wondering when they would get round to arresting these thugs. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!" – Amy Sasser, Occupied USA.

"Keep it up. Can't wait to party over the Falls in a barrel". – Roy Berger, Montreal, PQ, Canada.

"I am so very sorry for the persecution [of you] for telling the truth. I know [that] what you say is truth. I have enough information already in bits and pieces that lead me to smell and see the truth. Continue: America will be grateful when her arrogant slave-owners are exposed and brought down regardless of her shock and pain... DO NOT STOP! The bearer of truth, though he be replused at times and tormented at others, will remain because the Creator has seen fit to protect the truth and its bearer(s) always". – Debbie Wicker, 03 January 2007, USA.

"First of all, thank you for bringing forth the information relative to Leo Wanta and the plight of
the American body politic. I started to track the whereabouts of Paulson when I read your latest missive. Contrary to the conventional 'take', he dropped from the face of the planet after his meeting in Germany. Usually, there are references to all his movements. I found this to be supportive of your revelations. When Paulson again showed up at Ford's funeral, enough time had passed to allow for his release due to political pressure or his signing of the required releases". [This is not quite what happened, but the statement is accurate in general terms, and welcome] – Dennis Schultz, 03 January 2007, VA, USA.

"Chris: As a retired police sergeant with 17 years of investigative experience as Sgt/i/c GIS, I find it refreshing that although we may not [yet] be getting real good answers, people sure are starting to ask some damn good questions. Keep up the good work!" Harold Durant, 03 January 2007, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

"Please continue your truth about what is going on concerning Leo Wanta. I and others have
been involved in the Farm Claims [scenario] in the USA for years. We know what is and has been happening [criminally] for years, We are so grateful to see your reports and that the Rest of the World is also involved. No matter how painful matters may become, carry on and let us clean up this problem [of endemic official corruption] once and for all. WE DO NOT WANT THIS ONE WORLD [CRIMINAL] ORDER. DO NOT STOP UNTIL THIS DIRTY PROBLEM IS CLEANED UP IN D.C".
– R Weaver, 93 January 2007, USA.

"Thank you for the updates and for your courage in printing the truth!"
– Jan Scott, 03 January 2007, USA.

"Thank you guys for all you do for us here in America. You are just about the first I look up on the Internet and the last I look up at night. At New Years', I had looked but nothing new about 9.00 Central Time; then at 2.00 am a few hours later, there it was: US Treasury Secretary Paulson ARRESTED. I couldn't get to sites and spread the word fast enough. Thanks again: we really do need people like you right now. Many great things for you and yours in the New Year."
– Barbara Schallock, 02 January 2007, WI, USA.

"... People do want to believe what is fed to them by the 'mainstream' press. When I started reading your postings on your website, I could hardly understand what you mentioned in the latest article. Combined with your charges against the DVD, it was even for me almost too extreme. So I decided to start reading from your first posting onwards. Slowly I started to understand the bigger picture and the impression became much less extreme. I then decided to subscribe to your service. You sent me the whole package of information. I started with the oldest ICRs which I think is essential to do, in order to better understand what you are telling us. I think I do understand the big picture now.. I do appreciate your work enormously and hope this is a stumulus to keep on going" [kindly ordered the Package service]. – Henk Thijssen, 02 January 2007, Belgium and Monaco.

"I have been doing my best to alert many websites and their oweners of your superb and diligent work. This past week I think your traffic should have jumped considerably!"
– Mike Young, 21 December 2006, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA.

"Part of the reason I communicate with you is that you publish the truth that others work very hard to keep hidden... One conclusion... is "forced" upon me. What I have seen of your articles is closer to the truth than anything else I have read or heard. I know that there are US "focus groups" which would be very interested in what you write. Last week I shared two of your articles with the head of the US Federated Indian Tribes, the leader of the National Association of Colored People, and the new President of the American Bar Association. To say that you "scored a hit" would be an understatement" – William Bailey, Washington State, USA, November 2006.

"Keep up the good work!" – Leonard Messineo, Chancellor, Knights of Malta, New Jersey, USA, November 2006.

"I've appreciated all your writings to date. I think you are doing a good job" – Janet Thot-Thompson, Multi-Sector Crisis Management Consortium, Ballston, VA, November 2006.

"Please keep us informed on the progress and final disposition of the Leo Wanta Plan and Settlement. Honesty, integrity and justice must prevail. We admire your courage" – F.W. Black, Kansas City, MO, USA, November 2006.

"We as a group of people, several thousand strong on a family forum, are notifying all we know about sending letters to Congress, Supreme Court, Justice Department, the FBI, etc, about the Leo Wanta case. Not one single reply has been received to this point! What else can we do to bring this to the attention of people, since we have an uncooperative press? I even emailed the BBC, asking them to investigate and do an article. Thank you so much for your help... We all have a stake in seeing this thing come down" – Janet Scott, USA, August 2006.

• NO WORRIES! IT'S ALL HAPPENING 'BEHIND THE SCENES': See this site for updates when we are
ready. We have to wait for 'others' to perform. The special 480-page issue of International Currency Review is published worldwide in November, with a Supplement itemising the Wisconsin Taxation Gestapo Frauds against Ambassador Wanta. There will be a RICO suit against that State. Best, CS.

"You, Leo Wanta, and Mike Cottrell should know that, despite the media silence, we carry your torch here in the United States. We are behind you 100%. We are screaming praises for your courage, the evil you are fighting, and the good it can do for the whole world" – Don Nicoloff, Vermilion, Ohio, November 2006.

"Lots of people over here love the articles you write. All of us around the world need to pull together and expose these crooks before they mess up our world economy for their financial gain" – Brian, Chicago Area, USA, August 2006.

"It is quite evident that the truth which you are sending throughout the world through your publications, including the Word of His Truth, could not be sent forth like this without His Holy
Spirit empowering and strengthening you. Truly, you are carrying out the purpose for which God has called you [Philippians Chapter 4, Verse 13; Romans Chapter 8, verse 13] – Laura Bradburne, Fort Valley, VA, USA, October 2006.

"Our client urgently needs your journal" – Agent for Narodwy Bank Polski, Warsaw, July 2006.

"Dear Mr Christopher Story, I have only recently become aware of the Leo Wanta story. Appalling is the word. I instantaneously believe you, and your reports. Keep up the great work! This is truly one of the greatest stories ever told in the world, since the beginning (to me, anyway)"
– A Correspondent who wished to remain anonymous, Ohio, USA, July 2006.

"... Few would have the courage to do what you are doing, and people will admire you for it: at least, anyone that you would care about. I think you will find you have a lot of friends: never mind the rest" – Catherine Straker, East Sussex, UK, March 2006.

"Could you kindly send a copy of International Currency Review – for review? I have not seen it
for some time, and I have just taken a call from a friend saying that the latest issue is particulalrly outstanding" – Bill Jamieson, Editor, the Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 27th January 2006.

"Dear Mr Story, You sent me already in April, Volume 30, Numbers 2 & 3, of your International Currency Review. I think it is very interetsing, and I looked for friends who would subscribe with me... Thank you very much for the copy, and I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy, peaceful New Year" – Alexandra Nogawa, Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland, 2005.

"May I inform you that I have received the books and the copies of Global Analyst. I can say that it is fantastic information" – James Pearsall, Malta, August 2005.

"Your publications are so popular with certain people, including my husband, that there are possible battles looming here in the future. Take care, and I mean it" – Charlotte Iserbyte, Bath, ME, USA, June 2005.

"I am keeping a close eye on receipt of your wonderful publications" – Karl Barbacki, Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA, August 2005.

"Thank you so much for International Currency Review, double issue, Volume 30, Numbers 2 and 3. It's incredible. I Can’t put it down" – Catherine Straker, Rye, East Sussex, UK, September 2005.

"Christopher, you are one of the few people I have ever come across who is truly knowledgeable about what is happening behind-the-scenes throughout the world. You are unique in that respect" – John Walton Spring, Nationwide US Talk Show Host, 'Sound Off with John W. Spring', Sundays at 2.00pm, Pacific Time, www.kceoradio.com.

"Dear Chris, Thanks for the Arab-Asian Affairs. I have just finished reading it. It will be interesting to see how many and which of the time bombs you placed in the text go off! You'd better invest in a bullet proof vest, especially since the recent newsletter is short enough even for the clods to read it and wonder!!!!" – Dr Joseph D. Douglass Jr., Falls Church, VA, USA, August 2005.

"Please allow me to congratulate you on your treatise, The European Union Collective. Your breadth of knowledge, your insights and your global perspective are awe inspiring. Indeed it
is SHOCK AND AWE material, to borrow our transatlantic friends' language. It is the kind of work
which makes one think out loud: 'This author is a walking encyclopaedia of facts, perspectives and understandings'…. And these remarks are based on my reading only a third!" – Michael Darwyne, Seychelles, July 2005.

"Your paper [Global Analyst] is a real blessing to me" –
Mary E. Linthicum, Midland, Texas, USA. October 2004.

"Christopher Story's analyses of the very real threats to freedom and democracy are essential reading for all who are perplexed by the seemingly unstoppable march of global corporatism" – Christopher Gill RD, former Conservative MP for Ludlow, and Hon. Chairman of the Freedom Association, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, UK, April 2005.

"You, your research, your books and those you have edited were very favourably recommended in Catholic Family News, February 2005" – Charlotte Iserbyte, Bath, ME, USA, March 2005.

"Dear Chris: Congratulations on all the work you do on the satanic world leaders. Can we translate into German the piece about Masonry and Witchcraft published in Global Analyst, January-February 2005, and reprint it in Current Concerns/Zeit-Fragen, in Zurich?" – Matthias Erne, Anwalt R A Erne, Zurich, Switzerland, April 2005.

"I am much impressed by The European Union Collective. Can you very kindly give me details of the Author’s sources, experience and authority for his statements, with which we here all agree, please?" – Charles Booth-Jones, Wiltshire, UK. November 2004.

"In a way, I am green with envy at the sabotage efforts you have encountered. Shows that you are really being read and are hitting some nerves or hot buttons. Congratulations! The elite in the United States and other countries reminds me of what the Soviets said about the Mexicans back in the late 1960s: 'There is no-one left to corrupt'. Have you been able to put your finger on the revelations that you have released in your journals that have really been driving people up the wall, and who are the people whose nerves you are touching, and not so gently? No-one wants to put it together, I suspect, because the implications and consequences are so horrendous". Dr Joseph D. Douglass Jr, author of 'Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West' [see Books]. Virginia, USA. March and April 2005.

"Christopher Story is the genius whose work appears in International Currency Review. He is nowadays considered to be one of the world’s leading authorities on the international debt crisis”. Bob Beckman, in ‘Crashes: Why they happen: What to do", Sidgwick and Jackson, London, UK, 1988.

"You are one of the very best analysts in the world".
David Tice, David Tice and Associates, Texas, USA, November 2004.

"It is in gratitude for all that you, your family and staff do to take the truth throughout the whole world that I thank you and lift each of you to our Lord in prayer - always with thanksgiving".
Laura Bradburne, Virginia, USA, April 2005.

"I want everything you publish: do you hear me? I don't care how much it costs: just send me everything you publish" – CIA official, June 2003.

"Dear Christopher – congratulations on the latest Soviet Analyst. Indispensable eye-opening stuff".
Ian Colqhoun, Swansea, Wales, UK, October 2002.

"The whole Review is written at a level of economic knowledge and sophistication that can face professional criticism of the highest caliber". Dr Miroslav Kriz, Vice-President, First National City Bank (later Citibank), New York, NY, USA, 1972.

"I have never read such sane, logical reasoning anywhere else! I have been amazed at your perception and foresight!" Mrs S. A. Chisholm, Hampshire, UK, June 1988.

"The standard of your work in Soviet Analyst remains first class".
Private subscriber, Fairfax, VA, USA, August 2001.

"Your reports on Mexico have been rigorously honest, which is more than can be said for the media’s coverage of the subject". Hugo Salinas Price, Pedregal, Mexico 20, DF, April 1987.

"We regard it as a first-class publication with a fine panel of contributors".
Mr L. B. Cooke, General Manager, National Westminster Bank, London, UK, 1972.

"International Currency Review makes very interesting reading".
D. H. Parrott, Manager (Overseas Ops.), Lister-Petter Ltd, Dursley, UK, March 1988.

"Thank you for sending me the latest issue of The Latin American Times. Enclosed is my bank draft. Keep up the best work". Kazuyoshi Kanai, Tokyo, Japan, June 1988.

"I am a regular reader of your Review and I find it invaluable in my job".
D. W. Goedhys, Adviser, South African Reserve Bank, Pretoria, South Africa, December 1982.

"Thank you for some most interesting articles and insights".
Ingolf Eide, Investor, Auckland, New Zealand, June 1988.

"I have been following with special appreciation the fine articles in International Currency Review, and I consider that the contents therein should not be missed by any banker or financial concern". Farag Ali Gamra, Chairman and General Manager, Sahara Bank, Tripoli, Libya, 1972.

"Thank you for sending me International Currency Review, which of course was most instructive".
Tom Miller, Private investor, Guernsey, Channel Islands, October 1987.

"Whenever any of the truly great economic commentators of our time – men like Harold Lever, Friedrich A. Hayek, Lord Bauer, Christopher Story… begin to make the slightest, modest penetration of the mental recesses of the electorate, the socialist media (which now pretends to be a conservative media), simply open their magazines, newspapers, TV networks and radio stations to the propagandists. They are then given free access… for as long as may be required to dent the credibility of those forecasters not in line with party dogma". Robert Beckman, in ‘Into the Upwave: How to prosper from slump to boom’, Milestone Publications, UK. First three editions. 1988.

"Study of currencies is particularly important to the investor because a nation’s economic situation can most easily be studied in relationship to its currency. I can particularly recommend Christopher Story’s International Currency Review, in which the state of a whole economy is summed up, in a nutshell as it were, in relation to its currency. Other publications, which carry large advertisements from banks and other interested parties (e.g., Euromoney) may be less likely to emphasise any uncomfortable aspects of the truth". Professor Hugh Dominic Purcell, in ‘Private Investment: Microeconomics at the Personal Level’, page 77. W. Braumüller, Universitäts-Verlagsbuchhandlung G.m.b.H., Vienna, Austria, 1986.

"In an interview with International Currency Review, London, Congressman Ron Paul [Republican, of Texas] revealed that the US contribution to the World Bank is off-off-budget. ‘What happens is that we provide loans, and they never appear on the books. At one time, we used to authorise and appropriate literally anything the World Bank required; and then we started authorising and not appropriating. Now we don’t even bother to authorise; we just allow them to borrow the money, and we create the credit – and it never appears in the deficit’". Quotation from International Currency Review, March 1982, cited in ‘Bailing Out a Bankrupt World’, by Christopher Weber, Investment Insights Publishing Company, of San Francisco, CA, USA, January 1983.

"My colleagues in Shell’s Treasury and I found your December 1987 issue of International Currency Review most stimulating reading, one of the best you have produced (this from a reader of 15 years’ standing)". S. M. G. Hodge, Shell Centre, London SE1, UK, December 1987.

"Another superlative edition". J. M. Cochrane, Montivideo, Uruguay, January 1989.

"Mr Story is a highly intelligent and articulate individual. It would be no exaggeration to say that he has added a new and rare dimension to the very difficult art of financial and economic reporting: intellectual honesty combined with healthy skepticism concerning the tenets of the conventional wisdom. Through his writing and publishing he has not only informed: he has stimulated debate. His acute perceptiveness has given him a number of "firsts": he predicted the Mexico financial crisis of 1982 at a time when highly respected financial institutions, to say nothing of many commercial banks, were describing that country’s economy as sound. In general he predicted the development and the course of the world debt crisis at a time when many who should have known better were, at least publicly, questioning its very existence. Recently, of course, he has been engaged in a series of profound and detailed analyses of the US budgetary system". R. M. L., World Bank, DC, 1987.

"Your publication International Currency Review is known as one of the most distinguished publications in the area. It is very important to my research… The publication is needed urgently". Paulo Wengoski, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 1985.

"We have subscribed to the journal for many years and found it extremely interesting". D. R. L. King, Secretary/Treasurer, Acheson Industries (Europe) Limited, Reading, UK, December 1988.

"I am a great admirer of your International Currency Review. I buy subscriptions to everything you publish". Robert J. Hungerford, Tucson, AZ, USA, December 1986.

"Christopher – we especially liked your last magazine".
Wendy and Stanley Marsh III, Amarillo, Texas, USA, March 1987.

"I have read [a] few recent issues of Soviet Analyst with great interest. It seems to me that you have [a] good grasp of Soviet strategy which probably causes them some concern. I do not want to alarm you and I do not want to discourage you from [the] excellent courageous line you are taking in your publication. But I want to warn you on [a] personal basis to be careful in your contacts. With good wishes, Anatoliy Golitsyn" [famous genuine Soviet defector: See www.edwardharle.com, or go back to Home Page and press Edward Harle Limited]. May 1992.

"Dear Sir – I know that you have issued the very interesting paper about the Nazi Third Reich’s Plan for a Europabank with your excellent periodical International Currency Review which has been subscribed to by our University’s Institute for very many years". Kyuga Shimazaki, Faculty of Economics, Kanagawa University, Kanagawaku, Yokohama, Japan. October 1994.

"I recently read the autumn 1994 issue of International Currency Review. For the first time, I read a magazine with a correct viewpoint regarding the evils of Communism. I am a professional working for State Bank of India, Bombay". M. Subramaniam, Asistant Manager (Systems), State Bank of India, Bombay, India. October 1994.

"Dear Christopher: Your latest review just arrived – and I must say that I am deeply envious of your remarkable sources and diligent research. Actually, I got the copy yesterday and read it last night. Brilliant!". The late Mrs Aida Parker, Pretoria, South Africa. 1995.

"Dear Christopher: Congratulations on your Autumn 1994 issue of International Currency Review. A blockbuster! Most impressive". Joel Carmichael, Editor, Midstream, New York, NY. October 1994.

"It is indeed a privilege to communicate with someone who appears to be the best man in this field worldwide". Mrs Anne Seggerman, CT, USA. 1995.

"Another day must not pass without me taking a few moments to tell you of my great appreciation for all that you have done and are doing". Mrs Wanda Schlatter, Springville, IA, USA. 1995.

"I have been very impressed by the strong and well-argued criticism of the European Union and the Single Currency in particular, in International Currency Review, Volume 23, Number 3".
Dr Plenter János, FCSI, Erd, Hungary. 1997.

"I read with the utmost interest your article* entitled ‘The 9/11 aircraft were diversionary: The buildings were demolished by explosives’. May I please have permission to reprint the article in our local weekly newspaper". M. Salwasser, Reedley, CA, USA. December 2003. [*In Global Analyst].

"I want you to know that I have admired your courageous pertinacity in the face of the unncessary upheavals around you. How you keep slogging on and keep prophetically alerting your peers to the dangers, is a marvel of grace to me". Wayne Partin, NH, USA. December 2003.

"Thanks again for the International Currency Review. Congratulations on it, and all good wishes in the struggle you are fighting with such little support. Though perhaps, as one seems to sense, the tide really is turning". Robert Sebag-Montefiore, Flendruz, VD, Switzerland. March 1997.

"Please forgive me for not thanking you sooner for your wonderful October edition of Soviet Analyst. Where should we be without you? As an ex-Communist myself, I can testify that you have had the grace, unlike 99.9% of so-called ‘Kremlinologists’…. Reading your material, I have had the quite astounding, unnerving experience of listening to someone who actually knows as much about Communism as me. Congratulations! Your work is magnificent. You deserve the British equivalent of the Order of Lenin". Christopher Mill, London SW1, UK. October 1994.

"The publication of a graphic description of just how foreign exchange dealers could be defrauding the institutions that they work for in the International Currency Review (which has built up a high reputation) produced a storm of protest from the international dealing community – but not the panic which might have been expected in today’s uncertain climate". Financial Times, London, 9th September 1974.

"And the International Currency Review has therefore performed a most valuable service in spotlighting in its latest issue an exceptionally pernicious aspect of the EEC’s ‘red tape’ modus operandi that has so far attracted all too little attention – the ‘Monetary Compensatory Amounts System’…. For acccording to the International Currency Review study, ‘the demoralisation of British food trade management at home, reinforced by first-hand experience of ever being unable to pin down any official in Brussels who is in a position to effect a desirable change, has already forced some companies to consider shutting down their export business altogether’". Financial Times, London. 13th March 1974.

"Shortly after Lloyds Bank had revealed last summer that its Lugano Branch had lost £33 million through foreign exchange dealing excesses in a matter of months, the International Currency Review accused bank managements of failing to exercise proper control over the behaviour of their exchange dealers. Although the journal was promptly accused of exaggerating, no-one was able to deny that there was a great deal of substance in its allegations. It has to be asserted that what is now coming to light about the Israel-British Bank leaves little room for doubt that behaviour of a similar kind has characterised other banks with foreign exchange dealing rooms". Financial Times, London. 31st January 1974.

"We do not wish to interrupt our subscription order to your excellent journal". Julio Oleas Montalvo, Director de Hemeroteca, Banco Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador. October 1987.

"I have just received Volume 16, Number 6 of International Currency Review. I found it to be one of your best issues ever… I feel you offer excellent value for money…. Your service fills a real need for me". David Hudson, Hilo, Hawaii, USA. September 1985.

"I felt I should write to you and say how much I continue to enjoy your excellent publications". James W. Cowan, Melbourne, Australia. November 1985.

"Felix Rohatyn of Lazard Frères provided a most useful perspective on the aftermath of the Crash of ‘87 in the December 1987 edition of International Currency Review". Observation by Robert Beckman, in 'Crashes: Why they happen – What to do', Sidgwick and Jackson, London 1988.

"Along with this letter we are mailing you our subscription for the London Currency Report and the Interest Rate Service… We wish you much success with your publications, which indeed fill a gap in the market". Drs Lang and Düver, Bayerische Vereinsbank AG, München, Germany. June 1988.

"Christopher Story has acquired… a well-deserved reputation as the most prolific and often uncannily perceptive observer of the global financial scene and the currency markets today. His work is frequently controversial, pragmatic, intelligent, to the point, and invariably written in excellent, slang-free English. His International Currency Review is excellent, and greatly respected". Ian Harder, Managing Director, Maxwell Stamp Associates Limited, London. 1989.

"We at First National Bank of Toledo have subscribed to both London Currency Report and International Currency Review since the very early 1970s. Over the years, you have given me an overview of your outlook for the US and international economies. I have never ignored your opinions, nor the crystal clear danger signals you have identified. I continue to believe that a realist who turns out to be right provides a better service than an optimist who turns out to be wrong". Rodolphe Huart, First National Bank of Toledo, Ohio, USA. August 1987.

"As so often happens, the analysis in your magazine The Latin American Times entitled ‘The Policy Split in Cuba’ was by far the most informative assessment of recent happenings in Cuba that has crossed my desk. Congratulations on keeping all of us posted about current happenings in these closed societies".
Andrew J. Laska, Director, Business Development International Division, The Kendall Company, Boston, MA, USA. May 1988.

"No deseariamos interrumpir nuestras colecciones y carecer de las prestigiosas informaciones que recibimos de ustedes". Aracelis Cejos Rodriguez, Centro de Información Bancaria y Económica, Banco Central de Cuba, La Habana, Cuba. Mayo del 2004.